The chia and Nutrition & Santé

The chia is acclaimed for its fibers, proteins and its omega 3. But the chia, like quinoa, is native to South America, it comes from far …

Photo of two hands spreading a chia plant

N&S supports the pioneering approach of farmers who start a French production of chia, near to our factories, to secure supplies from our side and guarantee the farmer an outlet.

Photo of chia producer Jean François Monod in front of beehives

In 2019, N&S enters into a partnership with Jean François Monod, a farmer in southwestern France, to start a French chia production in conventional and supply our plant in Annonay, thanks to a variety adapted to the European climate.

Photo of a plan of chia foraged by a bee

Next step: support a similar approach for a production of organic French chia …

A new step for local, responsible and sustainable agricultural sourcing!