A progressive approach

A progressive

Contribute to transforming the global mindset

Our commitment goes far beyond mere statements of intent. First, because our mission responds to the major environmental and nutritional challenges of tomorrow.
It is our core business and our daily activity that contribute to and participate in the transformation of society, and to share with the greatest number the values we have been defending for many years now.

Contributing to the transformation of the global mindset

Our commitment goes far beyond mere statements of intent. First, because our mission responds to one of the great challenges of our time: to create products for better shared health around the world.
It is our core business and our daily activity that contribute to participate in the transformation of society, and to share with the greatest number the values we have been defending for many years now.

Dialoguing regularly with our suppliers and partners

Our social responsibility policy is shared with all our suppliers because it is important that it is integrated from upstream to downstream. Since 2014, we have pursued a policy of sustainable purchasing of ingredients, packaging and subcontracted products for our manufacturing plants in France and in our European subsidiaries. All these principles are formalized in an International Responsible Purchasing Charter.

Our goal ?

To manage our commitment according to the principles of CSR, environmental, Human Rights, fair trade practices and consumer expectations, as well as clarifying our requirements on these points regarding our suppliers.
Our teams are attentive to respecting this charter, not only for themselves but also for their suppliers. Their evaluation is based on questionnaires and audits. This approach enables the implementation of action plans to progress together on CSR. A dialogue has thus been engaged, to initiate a continuous improvement process.


We attach the same importance to CSR best practices as quality, service and cost.
They revolve around:

  • Agricultural practices: for example, suppliers promote the development of environmentally friendly agriculture and animal welfare, and to use exclusively non-GMO ingredients.

  • The origin of ingredients and products: suppliers are encouraged to stock up closer to their production sites to limit transport, and give priority to regional, then national and finally European products.

  • Control of the environmental impact: limit energy consumption, but also engage in the management of their waste, creating measurable indicators of management.

  • Labor law and human rights.
  • Respect of diversity.

Focus on sustainable agricultural production chains

We favor sustainable agricultural production chains, from France and local sources when it’s possible: organic farming, sustainable farming, certified and controlled sectors.

Nutrition & Santé defends its conception of sustainable agricultural sourcing.

The sustainable agricultural sourcing at N&S are contracts of at least 3 years with local partners who intervene from the field to the gates of our factories.

This is the way to guarantee full traceability to our consumers, remunerative prices in the long term to our partners farmers and processors, and the lowest possible impact on the environment.

It is a state of mind in which each of the players shows transparency, improving their practices day after day to offer better quality products, while respecting people and the planet.

They differ from our other types of responsible purchasing by this direct link with the agricultural world.

Agricultural sourcing of N&S: committed partnerships
45% of responsible purchasing

N&S has been committed to a formalized policy of responsible purchasing of its raw materials since 2015

  • These ingredients represent (at 31/12/2020) 45% of the volumes purchased for our plants.
  • They are key raw materials from sustainable agricultural sourcing, but also UTZ cocoa, wheat germ, eggs from free-range farming (= a total of 14 ingredients)...

Illustration d'une poignée de mains

9 agricultural partnerships today

  • Sustainable wheat flour, organic soy flour, soy, wheat germ, organic sunflower oil, organic wheat flour, chia seeds, maize flour. We are actively striving to expand our network of long term partners.
  • And since 2020, bean.

Illustration d'une poignée de mains

24 ingredients from supply chains

i.e. 33% of our supplies of agricultural raw materials.
We aim to source 100% of our key ingredients from agroecological supply chains by 2030.

Since 1997, Nutrition & Santé has been one of the driving forces

behind the development of the 1st European supply source of non-GMO soybeans grown in the South-West of France by providing advice and support to producers.

Since 2011 Nutrition & Santé has been committed to the "GIE CRC":

Flour wich is 100% French, reasoned culture respecting strict specifications, defining good practices in favor of biodiversity.
4 wheat production basins in France represented through 4 channels: from farmers to millers, via our cereal storage organizations.

Our commitment to animal welfare:

Nutrition & Santé is committed to sustainable and responsible sourcing by selecting farms that guarantee the well-being of laying hens.
As such, in 2023, 0% of our eggs and egg products are from caged farming.

Certifying our commitments

We are committed to continuous improvement, not only for the quality of our productions, but also for their environmental impact.
We have implemented environmental and quality management systems in our organization which we are progressively extending to all our sites.


In addition, our sustainable development actions are in line with the various international CSR standards: ISO 26000, GRI, Global compact.

Our certifications

ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - IFS
Dynamique de certification

Engaged in a certification process

Guarantee an ethical and fair practice of our professions

While we are strengthening our presence in the international market, we are enhancing our requirements in terms of compliance with ethical and regulatory obligations, as well as our duty to be an example and responsible.

To sustain the confidence of our shareholders and consumers, we operate in an ethical and honest manner. It is in our ethical code that our commitment to fair practices, to Human Rights, to respect for diversity, to the transparency of communication and to the fight against corruption unfolds. This code is shared by all our employees, in all our subsidiaries, and whatever their missions. We thus have our own ethical charter that incorporates the principles of our parent company, the Otsuka Group.

Promote our regions

We are proud to have chosen essentially rural industrial locations to create value in the heart of our regions.
Indeed, our factories and manufacturing units are located close to the production units of raw materials. Weare also present in cities, large or small, in which our service and support activities are implemented. We contribute to the economic development of the regions, creating jobs and supporting local sectors.

We focus on local and French sourcing and encourage relationships with local SMEs and suppliers in our purchasing process when possible.

of the raw materials used in our French production sites are of French origin.

Our solidarity actions and those of our subsidiaries also contribute to the development of local communities. Nutrition & Santé is strongly involved in the local areas where we are present. Donations of products to food banks or charities to limit food waste represent a strong commitment.

583 200 € in 2023
Strongly committed to the fight against food waste In 2023, Nutrition & Santé contributed more than 583,200 euros in food donations*, including 286,300 euros in France.
* Europe perimeter
Sustainable development goals

Aware of our responsibility, we contribute on our scale to achieving the 17 SDGs defined by the UNO to respond to the global challenges we are facing.

ODD 10
ODD 12
ODD 15
ODD 17

Aware of our responsibility, we contribute on our scale to achieving the 17 SDGs defined by the UNO to respond to the global challenges we are facing.

ODD 2, 3 et 12

We manufacture health products in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) n°2 “improve nutrition”, n°3 “enable everyone to live in good health”, and n°12 “sustainable consumption patterns” .

ODD 2, 3 et 12

We manufacture health products in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) n°2 “improve nutrition”, n°3 “enable everyone to live in good health”, and n°12 “sustainable consumption patterns”.

ODD 4, 5 & 10

We develop the talents of our teams from the four pillars of our HR policy: training (SDG 4), our commitment to diversity (SDG 5 “gender equality”, and the inclusion of people in Disability situation within the company, SDG 10 “reducing inequalities”).

ODD 4, 5 & 10

We develop the talents of our teams from the four pillars of our HR policy: training (SDG 4), our commitment to diversity (SDG 5 “gender equality”, and the inclusion of people in Disability situation within the company, SDG 10 “reducing inequalities”).

ODD 2, 6 & 9

We are proud to be a manufacturer with our own industrial model, environmental procedures (ISO 14 001) and quality management (ISO 22000). We do this in line with SDGs #2 “health security”, #6 “water resources management”, and #9 “promote sustainable industrialization”.

ODD 8 & 17

We defend enterprises rooted in local areas and generating jobs, wealth and shared value in line with SDG 8 “promoting economic growth” and SDG 17 through our various “partnerships”.

ODD 2, 6 & 9

We are proud to be a manufacturer with our own industrial model, environmental procedures (ISO 14 001) and quality management (ISO 22000). We do this in line with SDGs #2 “health security”, #6 “water resources management”, and #9 “promote sustainable industrialization”.

ODD 4, 5 & 10

We develop the talents of our teams from the four pillars of our HR policy: training (SDG 4), our commitment to diversity (SDG 5 “gender equality”, and the inclusion of people in Disability situation within the company, SDG 10 “reducing inequalities”).

ODD 2, 3 et 12

We manufacture health products in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) n°2 “improve nutrition”, n°3 “enable everyone to live in good health”, and n°12 “sustainable consumption patterns”.

ODD 2 & 15

Finally, we are pursuing a sustainable purchasing policy for win-win partnerships ensuring the sustainability of the farms, through a fair price paid to the farmer. Some are historic in the agricultural world: non-GMO soybeans, organic or conventional, grown in the south of France since 1998, or flour from Controlled Raised Crops (CRC) 100% French wheat since 2010, consistent with the SDGs. n°2 “promote sustainable agriculture”, and N°15 “exploit terrestrial territories in a sustainable way” “biodiversity” approach.

ODD 8 & 17

We defend enterprises rooted in local areas and generating jobs, wealth and shared value in line with SDG 8 “promoting economic growth” and SDG 17 through our various “partnerships”.