Spread and share our values

and share
our values

The vision and the mission of Nutrition & Santé are driven by common values that shape the way we behave, work and communicate, both with our employees and with our external partners. Nutrition & Santé is proud to share these values with the communities in which we operate.

Photos de cookies au chocolat

The vision and the mission of Nutrition & Santé are driven by common values that shape the way we behave, work and communicate, both with our employees and with our external partners. Nutrition & Santé is proud to share these values with the communities in which we operate.

Photos de cookies au chocolat
Photo de feuilles de basilic

Pathfinder spirit

  • Champion ingenuity, curiosity and proactivity

Photo d'un plateau de tofu


  • Show honesty, humility and pragmatism


  • Demonstrate energy, dynamism & passion for success

Collective Intelligence

  • Believe in the power of the collective to go above and beyond

Acting for the future