our ambition is to offer expert nutritional food products, alongside daily slimming and workout advice. With Gerlinéa in France, Pesoforma in Italy, Modifast in Germany and WeightCare in the Netherlands, Nutrition & Santé want to make slimness accessible to everyone, without compromising on pleasure. Created in 1977 in Switzerland and in 1984 in France, the Isostar range is today the sports nutrition standard in 35 countries in all areas (drinks, bars, gels, fast energy, pre-and post-workout) exchanging o offer expert nutritional food products, alongside daily slimming and workout advice.
For over 20 years, thanks to its extensive nutritional expertise, Gerlinéa has been providing balanced, healthy, and user-friendly slimming solutions.
In 2021, N&S has launched a new brand called WeCare. A brand that helps people to find their healthy balance and make the right choices. WeCare offers tasty and above all healthy products, everything you need to keep that healthy lifestyle.
Created in 1977, Isostar has always been a trailblazer in sports nutrition. Today, it is a European leader renowned for its nutritional expertise in this area.