A “serious game” to experience our purpose and values

In 2021, a collective experience, during 3 months, was organized with all the employees of Nutrition and Health in Europe. It was the WE SEED adventure.

  • 10 weeks
  • 1,500 employees involved, from all professions (posted on our manufacturing sites, mobile for the sales force, remote for the support functions)
  • 49 teams across our 4 European N&S affiliates
  • Cross-functional teams where they played together: all professions, on all sites. 
  • 4 territories to discover around the imagination of exploration
  • 14 challenges 

WeSeed. It was a serious game to bring our purpose and values to life using immersive means such as gaming techniques, for an engaging experience, allowing us to apply and anchor these concepts, promote team spirit but also to embody them in a concrete way!

This is also how Nutrition & Santé feeds its Corporate Culture…